Unlike Las Vegas, what happens at the Cave Canem: Black Poetry Workshop/Retreat doesn't stay at Cave Canem (well, SOME things -- like lousy drafts of poems -- do stay there but not everything...) People those of us who have been through the three year program always find it difficult to explain to people what the big deal is: the excitement of being part of a large, diverse group of black poets, the all nighters you pull in order to produce a poem every day for a week, the strong sense of connection you feel with others who've been through it. Call it Poetry Boot Camp, or the 'Black Breadloaf,' there's something special that happens when you bring a group of talented African-American writers together that's almost impossible to describe.

I found your site through LibraryThing. To my suprise/excitement you are blogging about Cave Canem. I applied this year... and I'll keep trying. I have a bit of growing to do...
I'd strongly suggest you continue to apply. There are a limited number of open spaces each year, and three or four times that number of people apply. I consider myself very fortunate and lucky to have gotten in 'early' when Cave Canem was just getting started. It is an amazing, enriching experience.
Thanks for stopping by -- and yeah, I have to say something about Library Thing soon! It's great but also amazingly addictive.
Wow. What small circles we travel in. I found your site through LibraryThing, too. We share a lot of the same books (you're my 2nd highest match). And I met Lhea on my blog (http://dolen.blogspot.com). I was just about to post and comment on how much I've enjoyed reading your blog and how much I love Tyehimba and Leadbelly when I opened up the comments and saw Lhea's name. Small, small world.
The world may be a large place, but the Internet is proving to be quite small! Glad to 'meet' you, and thanks for your note.
Yes... I must admit, I am almost as addicted to LibraryThing as I am to books themselves! And, I was very suprised to check your page Reggie and see Dolen's name!
Hi Reggie:
Found your blog randomly. Hope you're doing well, and hope to see you in NYC for the reunion.
(January--CC 97, 99)
Jan, my love! How wonderful to 'see' you again! Very best to you and yours...now I know how to keep up with what's going on with you:) See you in October...
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